Project | Project for rehabilitation by general overhaul of the railway section Junction “G”-Rakovica-Resnik from km 7+126 to km 14+554 (L=7.428m) on railway line Belgrade-Mladenovac-Nis-Presevo-state border with FYR Macedonia
Date: 06/2017-07/2018
Location: Serbia
Project | Project for rehabilitation by general overhaul of the railway section Junction “G”-Rakovica-Resnik from km 7+126 to km 14+554 (L=7.428m) on railway line Belgrade-Mladenovac-Nis-Presevo-state border with FYR Macedonia
Services | Consultancy services in preparation of design documentation for signalling/interlocking devices (Detailed and As-built Design)
The scope of the assignment was to prepare the Detailed and As-built Design for railway signalling and devices for the Client (Institute „Mihajlo Pupin“ Belgrade). The design contained the following elements:
- • Reconstruction of 3 station relay interlocking devices
- • Modernization of 2 level crossing interlocking devices
- • Reconstruction of the Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) system
- • Installation of the point heating SCADA system
- • Adaptation of technical premises